Listed below are descriptions of conduct prohibited by the University Code of Student Conduct.

A. Academic integrity: Violations of the Rutgers University Academic Integrity Policy (pdf).

B. Acts of dishonesty

B1. Forging, unauthorized alteration, or unauthorized use of any University documents or records, or any instrument or form of identification, or access credentials. This includes, but is not limited to; transfer of a Rutgers University Identification Card (“RUID”), and misuse or transfer of residence hall key.

B2. Intentionally providing false information to the University.

B3. Intentionally furnishing false information to persons outside the University concerning the student’s academic record, degree, or activities.

B4. Intentionally initiating or causing to be initiated any false report, warning, or threat of fire, explosion, or other emergency.

B5. Unauthorized entry into, use of, or misuse of University property, including computers and data and voice communication networks.

B6. Possessing or selling false identification including RUIDs.

B7. Unauthorized sale or re-sale of University event tickets or tickets provided through sponsored events/programs funded by University student fees, or the sale of such tickets above face value.

C. Safety violations

C1. Intentionally or recklessly starting a fire (does not include University approved programs including fire, e.g., bonfires.)

C2. Misusing fire safety equipment or elevators.

C3. Intentionally or recklessly endangering the welfare of any individual.

C4. Intentionally or recklessly obstructing fire, police, or emergency services.

C5. Using, possessing, or storing dangerous chemical, fireworks, or explosives on University property, even if they are legal to possess because of a license or illegally possessing dangerous chemicals, fireworks or explosives on an off-campus property. Possessing and storing small containers of Mace is permitted.

C6. Using, possessing, or storing of any object classified as a weapon by the State of New Jersey on University property or illegally possessing weapons on an off-campus property. Law enforcement officials who are authorized by law to carry firearms are excluded from this definition.

C7. Utilizing any instrument in a manner that endangers or tends to endanger any person.

C8. Obstructing the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic on or adjacent to University premises or at University events.

C9. Failing to comply with the reasonable and lawful directions of University officials and/or University police, including but not limited to, failure to produce identification.

D. Physical misconduct

D1. Inflicting bodily harm upon any person or animal.

D2. Using or threatening to use force against a person or animal.

E. Sexual Harassment, Sexual Violence, Relationship Violence, Stalking and Related Misconduct

Violoations of the Student Policy Prohibiting Sexual Harassment, Sexual Violence, Stalking, and Related Misconduct, Policy 10.3.12. Please refer to the policy for specific information regarding what would constitute a violation of this policy.

F. Bullying, intimidation, and harassment

F1. Making any communication to another person in any manner likely to cause alarm, including through electronic or social media platforms.
F2. Subjecting another person or animal or threatening to subject another person or animal to striking, kicking, shoving, or offensive touching.
F3. Threatening to reveal or releasing personal information or media about a person electronically or through other means of communication.
F4. Engaging in any other course of alarming conduct or repeatedly committing acts with the purpose of seriously alarming another person.

A person’s behavior should be sufficiently severe, pervasive, or persistent as to substantially disrupt or interfere with the orderly operation of the institution or the rights of a student to participate in or benefit from the educational program.

G. Child abuse

Neglecting or inflicting any form of physical, emotional, or psychological harm or harassment upon any minor identified as a permanent or temporary dependent, co-dependent, or as under the responsibility of the accused. 

H. Defamation

Creating a false statement about a University community member and communicating that false statement to a third party, which then exposes that community member to hatred, contempt, ridicule, loss of good will, or loss of reputation as a result of the false statement.

I. Hazing

I1. Engaging in any act that impacts the mental, emotional, or physical health or safety of a student for the purpose of initiation into, admission into, affiliation with, or continued membership in any organization or team whose members are Rutgers University students.

I2. Engaging in any activity that is inconsistent with regulations or policies of Rutgers University or laws in the State of New Jersey for the purpose of initiation into, admission into, affiliation with, or continued membership in any organization or team whose members are Rutgers University students.

Behavior falling into these categories shall be considered hazing regardless of whether a person is a willing participant.

J. Invasion of privacy

J1. Making, attempting to make, live streaming, transmitting, or attempting to transmit audio, video, or images of any person(s) on University premises in bathrooms, showers, bedrooms, common areas of suites or apartments, medical examination rooms, training rooms, or other premises where there is an explicit expectation of privacy with respect to nudity and/or sexual activity, without the knowledge and consent of all participants subject to such recordings.

J2. Viewing any person(s) on University premises in bathrooms, showers, bedrooms, common areas of suites or apartments, medical examination rooms, training rooms, or other premises where there is an explicit expectation of privacy with respect to nudity and/or sexual activity, without the knowledge and consent of all participants.

K. Theft or damage to property

K1. Taking or attempting to take University property or private property without the consent of the owner or person legally responsible for that property.

K2. Obtaining University services through devious means.

K3. Knowingly possessing University, public, or private property without the consent of the owner or person legally responsible for that property.

K4. Intentionally or recklessly damaging University or private property.

L. Use or possession of alcohol, narcotics, or other drugs 

L1. Possessing or consuming alcohol under the legal drinking age in New Jersey.

L2. Possessing alcohol in areas of campus where alcohol is not permitted.

L3. Unlawfully possessing or using drugs, narcotics, controlled substances, or paraphernalia.**

L4. Misusing or misappropriating any prescription, over-the-counter medication, or legal substance.**

L5. Possessing or using medical marijuana on any Rutgers University property.

L6. Impaired driving: Driving under the influence of alcohol and/ or drugs is prohibited.

**The University strongly encourages students to call a University Official and/or Medical Professional for medical assistance for themselves or for community members who are dangerously under the influence of drugs or alcohol. No student seeking medical treatment for the effects of drug or alcohol use will be subject to university discipline for violations pertaining to drug or alcohol possession/use as outlined in this Code of Conduct.

Medical Amnesty will be granted to both the intoxicated student and to the student seeking medical assistance for the intoxicated student; however, both the intoxicated student and the reporting student will be required to meet with their respective campus’ Conduct/Standards Office to provide a detailed account of the events leading to the need for assistance in order to receive amnesty. Additionally, involved students may be required to participate in an educational program related to drugs or alcohol. Medical Amnesty does not apply to disciplinary action relating to any other code violation including, but not limited to, assault, property damage, or the presence of or distribution of other substances. Medical Amnesty does not apply to student organizations.

M. Distribution of alcohol, narcotics, or other drugs

M1. Selling, transferring, giving away, or exchanging something in return for narcotics, prescription medications, or other illegal substances.

M2. Providing or facilitating the consumption of alcohol by any person without taking reasonable and prudent precautions to insure that the person is of legal drinking age in New Jersey.

M3. Sharing medical marijuana with individuals who do not have a medical marijuana prescription.

N. Disruption

N1. Intentionally or recklessly interfering with any University activity or University sponsored activity.

N2. Disrupting or obstructing an academic class or lecture, an administrative or support function, or official University business.

N3. Engaging in classroom conduct that is prohibited by the faculty member or is in violation of the law or University policy.

It should be noted that this policy is not intended to punish students for classroom dissent or hinder organized, peaceful, and orderly protests that are undertaken within reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions placed upon the same by the University.

O. Disorderly conduct

Engaging in conduct that is disruptive, lewd, or indecent, regardless of intent, which breaches the peace of the community.

P. Undisclosed recording

Recording, live streaming, or transmitting images, audio, or video of private, non-public conversations and/or meetings on University premises without the knowledge and consent of all participants. This may include recording instructors without consent. Students must consult with instructors for guidance on their recording policies. This provision does not extend to the recording of public events or discussions, to recordings made for law enforcement purposes, or to any registered disability accommodation.

Q. Violations of other University policies

Violating other published University regulations or policies.

R. Engaging in behavior that violates a University interest (as defined under jurisdiction).

S. Abuse of the disciplinary system

S1. Knowingly providing false testimony or evidence at a University Hearing or Disciplinary Conference.

S2. Disrupting or interfering with the conduct process.

S3. Failing to complete imposed sanctions.

S4. Refusing to provide information at a disciplinary proceeding. Students are expected to fully cooperate with and participate in the University disciplinary system when notified. A student may choose to withhold information or testimony if the student feels information presented will lead to self-incrimination.

S5. Harassing a University Hearing Board member, Campus Appeals Committee member, Conduct Officer, Presiding Officer, Campus Advisor, or witness before or after a disciplinary proceeding.