Graduate Hearing Officers

Thank you for your interest in the Graduate Hearing Officer (GHO) position with the Office of Community Standards. The application period has now closed!


To be eligible as a Graduate Hearing Officer, the minimum gpa requirement must be 3.0 or higher.
This training covers how to adjudicate a case from allegation to resolution: database training, interview techniques, etc.
These Training days are for University Honor Council, Hearing Board and Campus Appeals Committee Training. This is in addition to GHO training being held at the end of August on the Camden Campus.
Information: Two people were attending a party in the building. #1 is a building resident. #2 is not a Rutgers-Camden student. #2 is ambushed by #1 and a fight ensues. #1 is upset because #2 was coming on to #1’s date at the party. When the RA's arrive, #1 and #2 ignore them for a minute or two and continue to fight. Once separated, the fighters keep tensions high by continuing verbal abuse and periodically lunging at one another. #1 is not cooperative. #2 is very cooperative and this makes #1 even angrier. #1 feels like the RA's are taking #2’s side. Both are drunk. Processing Questions: What are the policy violations? What are some things to consider in the adjudication of this case? What sanctions should be given? What are some learning outcomes from this case information that you want the students to take away?
Information: It is the middle of the afternoon. Four residents are in a room smoking marijuana. When one of the RA's knock on their door, it takes several minutes before students open the door. Students hide, fairly sloppily, a pipe, a bong, and a bag of weed. There is a towel at the base of the door, a fan blowing out the window, and freshly-sprayed air freshener. Students are very belligerent and claim the RA's are on a power trip. Students say they are only smoking clove cigarettes. One of the students is obviously high – showing signs of marijuana influence (giggling, blood shot eyes, etc.). This room is repeatedly in the conduct system for scent of marijuana coming from it. Processing Questions: What are the policy violations? What are some things to consider in the adjudication of this case? What sanctions should be given? What are some learning outcomes from this case information that you want the students to take away?
Information: You are the assistant director for student judicial affairs, in the position for the first year, but overseeing the office while the director is away at a conference. You are contacted by the director of residential life, who informs you of an incident involving a student by the name of James. Last night, a community assistant named Michael responded to a noise complaint when he saw James whom Michael was aware had been banned from the residence halls the prior semester. Michael spoke to James, who initially tried to lie and state he was not banned, but then changed his story to state that the ban was now lifted. Unaware of the ban being lifted and sensing James may be lying about this too, Michael asked James to leave for the evening so he could speak with his supervisor and resolve the issue in the morning. James demanded that Michael call his supervisor immediately to sort everything out, while screaming, cursing, and waking up multiple residents on the floor. James then began making physical threats toward Michael, as well as to other community assistants and fellow residents who had heard the commotion and came to help. Campus police were called as James’ temper and anger continued to escalate, and it was necessary for campus police to escort James out of the building in restraints. The director of residential life would like you to resolve this matter quickly, as many residents are very upset and feel threatened by James. Sadly, you are aware of James as he has had a history of outbursts and aggressive behavior on campus, which James attributes to being diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Campus counselors have met with James and also believe he may be showing early symptoms of schizophrenia. Lastly, campus police have informed you that James has been released and has already likely returned to campus. How do you feel would be the best way to handle this situation? Processing Questions: What are the policy violations? What are some things to consider in the adjudication of this case? What sanctions should be given? What are some learning outcomes from this case information that you want the students to take away?